One Major Reason Why People Fail to Make a Money Success Online
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You may be familiar with the general pattern of behaviour. Spending hours on end reading forum posts. Signing up to the latest guru’s secret - ‘finally released’. How many ebooks and programs do you come across that seem to promise the answer to making money online. You can and probably have spent a fortune on buying the latest releases.
‘This is the last cash making program you will ever need to buy’
‘Finally revealed - my secrets that earned me a million’
‘My fellow gurus are amazed that I am giving away these secret revelations’
‘Against all advice I am going to help a select few of you earn a fortune’
Blah, Blah, Repeated.
Do you recognise the pattern? I am sure you do. Not a day goes by without another one dropping into your inbox. Each one works by frightening you into thinking that without it you are doomed to failure - because evryone else will know the secret. So you buy it and find the same stuff that your hard drive is already full of.
Believe me I know. Been there, done that, as they say. You fall for it time and again for a very good reason. You are afraid of failure. You want to succeed. The seeds of fear are sown by these gurus who then cleverly offer you the solution - just after they have got you into the ‘I’ll buy anything to help’ mental state. Don’t blame youself though; they are experts at this sort of manipulation. They probably attend conferences on the latest techniques - you’ve probably been invited to one for $xxxx!
Now here (finally) is the one reason why you have not made any cash online, or very little. Procrastination. People waste their time searching for the one secret when in fact there isn’t one. There is a basic way to success which is really simple. It takes work.
You have to stop procrastinating. Stop reading forum posts and succumbing to temptations. Just get down to working at it. Make your web sites and blogs. Post on blogs, and yes, on forums. Put in your signature links. Promote products. Build your lists. Write and submit articles. Whatever. But DO SOMETHING everyday. Even a little. As long as whatever you do builds a little bit onto your internet footprint.
It takes time and people lose faith and give up. If you keep at it and don’t lose focus. If you are willing toput the work in, you WILL be successful. There is no reason why you cannot make a decent earning from the internet.
This may sound obvious, it may seem patronising. It maybe what you don’t want to hear.
It could be what you NEED to hear!
So, why don’t you stop reading this and get to work!